using System; using System.Console; module Towers { Hanoi(n : int, from = 1, to = 3, via = 2) : void { when (n > 0) { Hanoi(n - 1, from, via, to); WriteLine("Move disk from peg {0} to peg {1}", from, to); Hanoi(n - 1, via, to, from); } } Main() : void { Hanoi(4) } } /* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols binary runSample(arg) return -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method runSample(arg) private static parse arg discs . if discs = '', discs < 1 then discs = 4 say 'Minimum moves to solution:' 2 ** discs - 1 moves = move(discs) say 'Solved in' moves 'moves.' return -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method move(discs = int 4, towerFrom = int 1, towerTo = int 2, towerVia = int 3, moves = int 0) public static if discs == 1 then do moves = moves + 1 say 'Move disc from peg' towerFrom 'to peg' towerTo '- Move No:' Rexx(moves).right(5) end else do moves = move(discs - 1, towerFrom, towerVia, towerTo, moves) moves = move(1, towerFrom, towerTo, towerVia, moves) moves = move(discs - 1, towerVia, towerTo, towerFrom, moves) end return moves (define (move n from to via) (if (> n 0) (move (- n 1) from via to (print "move disk from pole " from " to pole " to "\n") (move (- n 1) via to from)))) (move 4 1 2 3) proc hanoi(disks: int, fromTower: string, toTower: string, viaTower: string) = if disks != 0: hanoi(disks - 1, fromTower, viaTower, toTower) echo("Move disk ", disks, " from ", fromTower, " to ", toTower) hanoi(disks - 1, viaTower, toTower, fromTower) hanoi(4, "1", "2", "3") class Hanoi { function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil { Move(4, 1, 2, 3); } function: Move(n:Int, f:Int, t:Int, v:Int) ~ Nil { if(n = 1) { "Move disk from pole {$f} to pole {$t}"->PrintLine(); } else { Move(n - 1, f, v, t); Move(1, f, t, v); Move(n - 1, v, t, f); }; } } #import @interface TowersOfHanoi: NSObject { int pegFrom; int pegTo; int pegVia; int numDisks; } -(void) setPegFrom: (int) from andSetPegTo: (int) to andSetPegVia: (int) via andSetNumDisks: (int) disks; -(void) movePegFrom: (int) from andMovePegTo: (int) to andMovePegVia: (int) via andWithNumDisks: (int) disks; @end #import "TowersOfHanoi.h" @implementation TowersOfHanoi -(void) setPegFrom: (int) from andSetPegTo: (int) to andSetPegVia: (int) via andSetNumDisks: (int) disks { pegFrom = from; pegTo = to; pegVia = via; numDisks = disks; } -(void) movePegFrom: (int) from andMovePegTo: (int) to andMovePegVia: (int) via andWithNumDisks: (int) disks { if (disks == 1) { printf("Move disk from pole %i to pole %i\n", from, to); } else { [self movePegFrom: from andMovePegTo: via andMovePegVia: to andWithNumDisks: disks-1]; [self movePegFrom: from andMovePegTo: to andMovePegVia: via andWithNumDisks: 1]; [self movePegFrom: via andMovePegTo: to andMovePegVia: from andWithNumDisks: disks-1]; } } @end #import #import "TowersOfHanoi.h" int main( int argc, const char *argv[] ) { @autoreleasepool { TowersOfHanoi *tower = [[TowersOfHanoi alloc] init]; int from = 1; int to = 3; int via = 2; int disks = 3; [tower setPegFrom: from andSetPegTo: to andSetPegVia: via andSetNumDisks: disks]; [tower movePegFrom: from andMovePegTo: to andMovePegVia: via andWithNumDisks: disks]; } return 0; } let rec hanoi n a b c = if n <> 0 then begin hanoi (pred n) a c b; Printf.printf "Move disk from pole %d to pole %d\n" a b; hanoi (pred n) c b a end let () = hanoi 4 1 2 3 function hanoimove(ndisks, from, to, via) if ( ndisks == 1 ) printf("Move disk from pole %d to pole %d\n", from, to); else hanoimove(ndisks-1, from, via, to); hanoimove(1, from, to, via); hanoimove(ndisks-1, via, to, from); endif endfunction hanoimove(4, 1, 2, 3); : move(n, from, to, via) n 0 > ifTrue: [ move(n 1-, from, via, to) System.Out "Move disk from " << from << " to " << to << cr move(n 1-, via, to, from) ] ; 5 $left $middle $right) move declare proc {TowersOfHanoi N From To Via} if N > 0 then {TowersOfHanoi N-1 From Via To} {System.showInfo "Move from "#From#" to "#To} {TowersOfHanoi N-1 Via To From} end end in {TowersOfHanoi 4 left middle right} \\ Towers of Hanoi \\ 8/19/2016 aev \\ Where: n - number of disks, sp - start pole, ep - end pole. HanoiTowers(n,sp,ep)={ if(n!=0, HanoiTowers(n-1,sp,6-sp-ep); print("Move disk ", n, " from pole ", sp," to pole ", ep); HanoiTowers(n-1,6-sp-ep,ep); ); } \\ Testing n=3: HanoiTowers(3,1,3); program Hanoi; type TPole = (tpLeft, tpCenter, tpRight); const strPole:array[TPole] of string[6]=('left','center','right'); procedure MoveStack (const Ndisks : integer; const Origin,Destination,Auxiliary:TPole); begin if Ndisks >0 then begin MoveStack(Ndisks - 1, Origin,Auxiliary, Destination ); Writeln('Move disk ',Ndisks ,' from ',strPole[Origin],' to ',strPole[Destination]); MoveStack(Ndisks - 1, Auxiliary, Destination, origin); end; end; begin MoveStack(4,tpLeft,tpCenter,tpRight); end. program Hanoi; type TPole = (tpLeft, tpCenter, tpRight); const strPole:array[TPole] of string[6]=('left','center','right'); procedure MoveOneDisk(const DiskNum:integer; const Origin,Destination:TPole); begin Writeln('Move disk ',DiskNum,' from ',strPole[Origin],' to ',strPole[Destination]); end; procedure MoveStack (const Ndisks : integer; const Origin,Destination,Auxiliary:TPole); begin if Ndisks =1 then MoveOneDisk(1,origin,Destination) else begin MoveStack(Ndisks - 1, Origin,Auxiliary, Destination ); MoveOneDisk(Ndisks,origin,Destination); MoveStack(Ndisks - 1, Auxiliary, Destination, origin); end; end; begin MoveStack(4,tpLeft,tpCenter,tpRight); end. sub hanoi { my ($n, $from, $to, $via) = (@_, 1, 2, 3); if ($n == 1) { print "Move disk from pole $from to pole $to.\n"; } else { hanoi($n - 1, $from, $via, $to); hanoi(1, $from, $to, $via); hanoi($n - 1, $via, $to, $from); }; }; subset Peg of Int where 1|2|3; multi hanoi (0, Peg $a, Peg $b, Peg $c) { } multi hanoi (Int $n, Peg $a = 1, Peg $b = 2, Peg $c = 3) { hanoi $n - 1, $a, $c, $b; say "Move $a to $b."; hanoi $n - 1, $c, $b, $a; } module hanoi; extern printf; @Void move(@Integer n, @Integer from, @Integer to, @Integer via) [ if (n > 0) { move(n - 1, from, via, to); printf("Move disk from pole %d to pole %d\n", from, to); move(n - 1, via, to, from); } ] @Integer main [ move(4, 1,2,3); return 0; ] function move($n,$from,$to,$via) { if ($n === 1) { print("Move disk from pole $from to pole $to"); } else { move($n-1,$from,$via,$to); move(1,$from,$to,$via); move($n-1,$via,$to,$from); } } (de move (N A B C) # Use: (move 3 'left 'center 'right) (unless (=0 N) (move (dec N) A C B) (println 'Move 'disk 'from A 'to B) (move (dec N) C B A) ) ) define hanoi(n, src, dst, via); if n > 0 then hanoi(n - 1, src, via, dst); 'Move disk ' >< n >< ' from ' >< src >< ' to ' >< dst >< '.' => hanoi(n - 1, via, dst, src); endif; enddefine; hanoi(4, "left", "middle", "right"); tower: proc options (main); call Move (4,1,2,3); Move: procedure (ndiscs, from, to, via) recursive; declare (ndiscs, from, to, via) fixed binary; if ndiscs = 1 then put skip edit ('Move disc from pole ', trim(from), ' to pole ', trim(to) ) (a); else do; call Move (ndiscs-1, from, via, to); call Move (1, from, to, via); call Move (ndiscs-1, via, to, from); end; end Move; end tower; \newcount\hanoidepth \def\hanoi#1{% \hanoidepth = #1 \move abc }% \def\move#1#2#3{% \advance \hanoidepth by -1 \ifnum \hanoidepth > 0 \move #1#3#2 \fi Move the upper disk from pole #1 to pole #3.\par \ifnum \hanoidepth > 0 \move#2#1#3 \fi \advance \hanoidepth by 1 } \hanoi{5} \end %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 300 300 /plate { exch 100 mul 50 add exch th mul 10 add moveto dup s mul neg 2 div 0 rmoveto dup s mul 0 rlineto 0 th rlineto s neg mul 0 rlineto closepath gsave .5 setgray fill grestore 0 setgray stroke } def /drawtower { 0 1 2 { /x exch def /y 0 def tower x get { dup 0 gt { x y plate /y y 1 add def } {pop} ifelse } forall } for showpage } def /apop { [ exch aload pop /last exch def ] last } def /apush{ [ 3 1 roll aload pop counttomark -1 roll ] } def /hanoi { 0 dict begin /from /mid /to /h 5 -1 2 { -1 roll def } for h 1 eq { tower from get apop tower to get apush tower to 3 -1 roll put tower from 3 -1 roll put drawtower } { /h h 1 sub def from to mid h hanoi from mid to 1 hanoi mid from to h hanoi } ifelse end } def /n 12 def /s 90 n div def /th 180 n div def /tower [ [n 1 add -1 2 { } for ] [] [] ] def drawtower 0 1 2 n hanoi %%EOF function hanoi($n, $a, $b, $c) { if($n -eq 1) { "$a -> $c" } else{ hanoi ($n - 1) $a $c $b hanoi 1 $a $b $c hanoi ($n - 1) $b $a $c } } hanoi 3 "A" "B" "C" hanoi(N) :- move(N,left,center,right). move(0,_,_,_) :- !. move(N,A,B,C) :- M is N-1, move(M,A,C,B), inform(A,B), move(M,C,B,A). inform(X,Y) :- write([move,a,disk,from,the,X,pole,to,Y,pole]), nl. hanoi(N, Src, Aux, Dest, Moves-NMoves) :- NMoves is 2^N - 1, length(Moves, NMoves), phrase(move(N, Src, Aux, Dest), Moves). move(1, Src, _, Dest) --> !, [Src->Dest]. move(2, Src, Aux, Dest) --> !, [Src->Aux,Src->Dest,Aux->Dest]. move(N, Src, Aux, Dest) --> { succ(N0, N) }, move(N0, Src, Dest, Aux), move(1, Src, Aux, Dest), move(N0, Aux, Src, Dest). Procedure Hanoi(n, A.s, C.s, B.s) If n Hanoi(n-1, A, B, C) PrintN("Move the plate from "+A+" to "+C) Hanoi(n-1, B, C, A) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure Hanoi(n, A.s, C.s, B.s) If n Hanoi(n-1, A, B, C) PrintN("Move the plate from "+A+" to "+C) Hanoi(n-1, B, C, A) EndIf EndProcedure If OpenConsole() Define n=3 PrintN("Moving "+Str(n)+" pegs."+#CRLF$) Hanoi(n,"Left Peg","Middle Peg","Right Peg") PrintN(#CRLF$+"Press ENTER to exit."): Input() EndIf def hanoi(ndisks, startPeg=1, endPeg=3): if ndisks: hanoi(ndisks-1, startPeg, 6-startPeg-endPeg) print "Move disk %d from peg %d to peg %d" % (ndisks, startPeg, endPeg) hanoi(ndisks-1, 6-startPeg-endPeg, endPeg) hanoi(ndisks=4) hanoimove <- function(ndisks, from, to, via) { if ( ndisks == 1 ) cat("move disk from", from, "to", to, "\n") else { hanoimove(ndisks-1, from, via, to) hanoimove(1, from, to, via) hanoimove(ndisks-1, via, to, from) } } hanoimove(4,1,2,3) #lang racket (define (hanoi n a b c) (when (> n 0) (hanoi (- n 1) a c b) (printf "Move ~a to ~a\n" a b) (hanoi (- n 1) c b a))) (hanoi 4 'left 'middle 'right) public void hanoi(ndisks, startPeg, endPeg){ if(ndisks>0){ hanoi(ndisks-1, startPeg, 6 - startPeg - endPeg); println("Move disk from peg to peg "); hanoi(ndisks-1, 6 - startPeg - endPeg, endPeg); } } define hanoi use ndisks, startpeg, endpeg ndisks 0 > if 6 startpeg - endpeg - startpeg ndisks 1 - hanoi endpeg startpeg ndisks "Move disk %d from peg %d to peg %d\n" print endpeg 6 startpeg - endpeg - ndisks 1 - hanoi define dohanoi use ndisks # startpeg=1, endpeg=3 3 1 ndisks hanoi # 4 disks 4 dohanoi rebol [ Title: "Towers of Hanoi" Author: oofoe Date: 2009-12-08 URL: ] hanoi: func [ {Begin moving the golden disks from one pole to the next. Note: when last disk moved, the world will end.} disks [integer!] "Number of discs on starting pole." /poles "Name poles." from to via ][ if disks = 0 [return] if not poles [from: 'left to: 'middle via: 'right] hanoi/poles disks - 1 from via to print [from "->" to] hanoi/poles disks - 1 via to from ] hanoi 4 4 elements a b c n : vars !c !b !a !n ; : hanoi ( num from to via -- ) vars @n 0 <> [ @n @a @b @c @n 1- @a @c @b hanoi vars @b @a "\nMove a ring from %d to %d" puts @n 1- @c @b @a hanoi ] ifTrue ; 4 1 3 2 hanoi /*REXX program displays the moves to solve the Tower of Hanoi (with N disks). */ parse arg N . /*get optional number of disks from CL.*/ if N=='' | N=="," then N=3 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ #=0 /*#: the number of disk moves (so far)*/ z=2**N - 1 /*Z: " " " minimum # of moves.*/ call mov 1, 3, N /*move the top disk, then recurse ... */ say say 'The minimum number of moves to solve a ' N"-disk Tower of Hanoi is " z exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dsk: #=#+1 /*bump the (disk) move counter by one. */ say 'step' right(#, length(z))": move disk on tower" arg(1) '-----►' arg(2) return /* [↑] display the move message (text)*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ mov: procedure expose # z; parse arg @1, @2, @3 if @3==1 then call dsk @1, @2 else do; call mov @1, 6-@1-@2, @3-1 call mov @1, @2, 1 call mov 6-@1-@2, @2, @3-1 end return /*REXX program displays the moves to solve the Tower of Hanoi (with N disks). */ parse arg N . /*get optional number of disks from CL.*/ if N=='' | N=="," then N=3 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ sw=80; wp=sw%3-1; blanks=left('', wp) /*define some default REXX variables. */ c.1= sw % 3 % 2 /* [↑] SW: assume default Screen Width*/ c.2= sw % 2 - 1 c.3= sw - 1 - c.1 - 1 #=0; z=2**N-1; moveK=z /*#moves; min# of moves; where to move.*/ @abc='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyN' /*dithering chars when many disks used.*/ ebcdic= ('f0'x==0) /*determine if EBCDIC or ASCII machine.*/ if ebcdic then do; bar= 'bf'x; ar= "df"x; boxen= 'db9f9caf'x; down= "9a"x tr= 'bc'x; bl= "ab"x; br= 'bb'x; vert= "fa"x; tl= 'ac'x end else do; bar= 'c4'x; ar= "10"x; boxen= 'b0b1b2db'x; down= "18"x tr= 'bf'x; bl= "c0"x; br= 'd9'x; vert= "b3"x; tl= 'da'x end verts= vert || vert; Tcorners= tl || tr downs= down || down; Bcorners= bl || br box = left(boxen, 1); boxChars= boxen || @abc $.=0; $.1=N; k=N; kk=k+k do j=1 for N; @.3.j=blanks; @.2.j=blanks; @.1.j=center( copies( box, kk), wp) if N<=length(boxChars) then @.1.j= translate(@.1.j, , substr( boxChars, kk%2, 1), box) kk=kk - 2 end /*j*/ /*populate the tower of Hanoi spindles.*/ call showTowers; call mov 1,3,N; say say 'The minimum number of moves to solve a ' N"-disk Tower of Hanoi is " z exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dsk: parse arg from dest; #=#+1; pp= if from==1 then do; pp=overlay(bl, pp, c.1) pp=overlay(bar, pp, c.1+1, c.dest-c.1-1, bar) || tr end if from==2 then do lpost=min(2, dest) hpost=max(2, dest) if dest==1 then do; pp=overlay(tl, pp, c.1) pp=overlay(bar, pp, c.1+1, c.2-c.1-1, bar)||br end if dest==3 then do; pp=overlay(bl, pp, c.2) pp=overlay(bar, pp, c.2+1, c.3-c.2-1, bar)||tr end end if from==3 then do; pp=overlay(br, pp, c.3) pp=overlay(bar, pp, c.dest+1, c.3-c.dest-1, bar) pp=overlay(tl, pp, c.dest) end say translate(pp, downs, Bcorners || Tcorners || bar); say overlay(moveK,pp,1) say translate(pp, verts, Tcorners || Bcorners || bar) say translate(pp, downs, Tcorners || Bcorners || bar); moveK=moveK-1 $.from=$.from-1; $.dest=$.dest+1; _f=$.from+1; _t=$.dest @.dest._t=@.from._f; @.from._f=blanks; call showTowers return /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ mov: if arg(3)==1 then call dsk arg(1) arg(2) else do; call mov arg(1), 6-arg(1)-arg(2), arg(3)-1 call mov arg(1), arg(2), 1 call mov 6-arg(1)-arg(2), arg(2), arg(3)-1 end return /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ showTowers: do j=N by -1 for N; _=@.1.j @.2.j @.3.j; if _\='' then say _; end; return move(4, 1, 2, 3) func move n, src, dst, via if n > 0 move(n - 1, src, via, dst) see "" + src + " to " + dst + nl move(n - 1, via, dst, src) ok def move(num_disks, start=0, target=1, using=2) if num_disks == 1 @towers[target] << @towers[start].pop puts "Move disk from #{start} to #{target} : #{@towers}" else move(num_disks-1, start, using, target) move(1, start, target, using) move(num_disks-1, using, target, start) end end n = 5 @towers = [[*1..n].reverse, [], []] move(n) # solve(source, via, target) # Example: # solve([5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [], []) # Note this will also solve randomly placed disks, # "place all disk in target with legal moves only". def solve(*towers) # total number of disks disks = towers.inject(0){|sum, tower| sum+tower.length} x=0 # sequence number p towers # initial trace # have we solved the puzzle yet? while towers.last.length < disks do x+=1 # assume the next step from = (x&x-1)%3 to = ((x|(x-1))+1)%3 # can we actually take from tower? if top = towers[from].last bottom = towers[to].last # is the move legal? if !bottom || bottom > top # ok, do it! towers[to].push(towers[from].pop) p towers # trace end end end end solve([5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [], []) a = move(4, "1", "2", "3") function move(n, a$, b$, c$) if n > 0 then a = move(n-1, a$, c$, b$) print "Move disk from " ; a$ ; " to " ; c$ a = move(n-1, b$, a$, c$) end if end function fn move_(n: i32, from: i32, to: i32, via: i32) { if n > 0 { move_(n - 1, from, via, to); println!("Move disk from pole {} to pole {}", from, to); move_(n - 1, via, to, from); } } fn main() { move_(4, 1,2,3); } class MAIN is move(ndisks, from, to, via:INT) is if ndisks = 1 then #OUT + "Move disk from pole " + from + " to pole " + to + "\n"; else move(ndisks-1, from, via, to); move(1, from, to, via); move(ndisks-1, via, to, from); end; end; main is move(4, 1, 2, 3); end; end; def move(n: Int, from: Int, to: Int, via: Int) : Unit = { if (n == 1) { Console.println("Move disk from pole " + from + " to pole " + to) } else { move(n - 1, from, via, to) move(1, from, to, via) move(n - 1, via, to, from) } } object TowersOfHanoi { import scala.reflect.Manifest def simpleName(m:Manifest[_]):String = { val name = m.toString name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('$')+1) } trait Nat final class _0 extends Nat final class Succ[Pre<:Nat] extends Nat type _1 = Succ[_0] type _2 = Succ[_1] type _3 = Succ[_2] type _4 = Succ[_3] case class Move[N<:Nat,A,B,C]() implicit def move0[A,B,C](implicit a:Manifest[A],b:Manifest[B]):Move[_0,A,B,C] = { System.out.println("Move from "+simpleName(a)+" to "+simpleName(b));null } implicit def moveN[P<:Nat,A,B,C](implicit m1:Move[P,A,C,B],m2:Move[_0,A,B,C],m3:Move[P,C,B,A]) :Move[Succ[P],A,B,C] = null def run[N<:Nat,A,B,C](implicit m:Move[N,A,B,C]) = null case class Left() case class Center() case class Right() def main(args:Array[String]){ run[_2,Left,Right,Center] } } (define (hanoi n a b c) (if (> n 0) (begin (hanoi (- n 1) a c b) (display "Move disk from pole ") (display a) (display " to pole ") (display b) (newline) (hanoi (- n 1) c b a)))) (hanoi 4 1 2 3) const proc: hanoi (in integer: disk, in string: source, in string: dest, in string: via) is func begin if disk > 0 then hanoi(pred(disk), source, via, dest); writeln("Move disk " <& disk <& " from " <& source <& " to " <& dest); hanoi(pred(disk), via, dest, source); end if; end func; func hanoi(n, from=1, to=2, via=3) { if (n == 1) { say "Move disk from pole #{from} to pole #{to}."; } else { hanoi(n-1, from, via, to); hanoi( 1, from, to, via); hanoi(n-1, via, to, from); } } hanoi(4); * # Note: count is global define('hanoi(n,src,trg,tmp)') :(hanoi_end) hanoi hanoi = eq(n,0) 1 :s(return) hanoi(n - 1, src, tmp, trg) count = count + 1 output = count ': Move disc from ' src ' to ' trg hanoi(n - 1, tmp, trg, src) :(return) hanoi_end * # Test with 4 discs hanoi(4,'A','C','B') end func hanoi(n:Int, a:String, b:String, c:String) { if (n > 0) { hanoi(n - 1, a, c, b) println("Move disk from \(a) to \(c)") hanoi(n - 1, b, a, c) } } hanoi(4, "A", "B", "C") func hanoi(n:Int, a:String, b:String, c:String) { if (n > 0) { hanoi(n - 1, a: a, b: c, c: b) print("Move disk from \(a) to \(c)") hanoi(n - 1, a: b, b: a, c: c) } } hanoi(4, a:"A", b:"B", c:"C") interp alias {} hanoi {} do_hanoi 0 proc do_hanoi {count n {from A} {to C} {via B}} { if {$n == 1} { interp alias {} hanoi {} do_hanoi [incr count] puts "$count: move from $from to $to" } else { incr n -1 hanoi $n $from $via $to hanoi 1 $from $to $via hanoi $n $via $to $from } } hanoi 4 value| sa sb sc n | [ to sc to sb to sa to n ] is vars! [ ( num from to via -- ) vars! n 0 <> [ n sa sb sc n 1- sa sc sb recurse vars! ." Move a ring from " sa . ." to " sb . cr n 1- sc sb sa recurse ] ifTrue ] is hanoi // library: program: run: towersofhanoi: recursive: sub (filenamemacro=runprrsu.s) [kn, ri, tu, 07-02-2012 19:54:23] PROC PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursiveSub( INTEGER totalDiskI, STRING fromS, STRING toS, STRING viaS, INTEGER bufferI ) IF ( totalDiskI == 0 ) RETURN() ENDIF PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursiveSub( totalDiskI - 1, fromS, viaS, toS, bufferI ) AddLine( Format( "Move disk", " ", totalDiskI, " ", "from peg", " ", "'", fromS, "'", " ", "to peg", " ", "'", toS, "'" ), bufferI ) PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursiveSub( totalDiskI - 1, viaS, toS, fromS, bufferI ) END // library: program: run: towersofhanoi: recursive (filenamemacro=runprtre.s) [kn, ri, tu, 07-02-2012 19:40:45] PROC PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursive( INTEGER totalDiskI, STRING fromS, STRING toS, STRING viaS ) INTEGER bufferI = 0 PushPosition() bufferI = CreateTempBuffer() PopPosition() PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursiveSub( totalDiskI, fromS, toS, viaS, bufferI ) GotoBufferId( bufferI ) END PROC Main() STRING s1[255] = "4" IF ( NOT ( Ask( "program: run: towersofhanoi: recursive: totalDiskI = ", s1, _EDIT_HISTORY_ ) ) AND ( Length( s1 ) > 0 ) ) RETURN() ENDIF PROCProgramRunTowersofhanoiRecursive( Val( s1 ), "source", "target", "via" ) END Proc _Move(4, 1,2,3) ' 4 disks, 3 poles End _Move Param(4) If (a@ > 0) Then Proc _Move (a@ - 1, b@, d@, c@) Print "Move disk from pole ";b@;" to pole ";c@ Proc _Move (a@ - 1, d@, c@, b@) EndIf Return #!/bin/bash move() { local n="$1" local from="$2" local to="$3" local via="$4" if [[ "$n" == "1" ]] then echo "Move disk from pole $from to pole $to" else move $(($n - 1)) $from $via $to move 1 $from $to $via move $(($n - 1)) $via $to $from fi } move $1 $2 $3 $4 #import nat move = ~&al^& ^rlPlrrPCT/~&arhthPX ^|W/~& ^|G/predecessor ^/~&htxPC ~&zyxPC #show+ main = ^|T(~&,' -> '--)* move/4 <'start','end','middle'> Sub Move(n,fromPeg,toPeg,viaPeg) If n > 0 Then Move n-1, fromPeg, viaPeg, toPeg WScript.StdOut.Write "Move disk from " & fromPeg & " to " & toPeg WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines(1) Move n-1, viaPeg, toPeg, fromPeg End If End Sub Move 4,1,2,3 WScript.StdOut.Write("Towers of Hanoi puzzle completed!") #1=1; #2=2; #3=3; #4=4 // move 4 disks from 1 to 2 Call("MOVE_DISKS") Return // Move disks // #1 = from, #2 = to, #3 = via, #4 = number of disks // :MOVE_DISKS: if (#4 > 0) { Num_Push(1,4) #9=#2; #2=#3; #3=#9; #4-- // #1 to #3 via #2 Call("MOVE_DISKS") Num_Pop(1,4) Ins_Text("Move a disk from ") // move one disk Num_Ins(#1, LEFT+NOCR) Ins_Text(" to ") Num_Ins(#2, LEFT) Num_Push(1,4) #9=#1; #1=#3; #3 = #9; #4-- // #3 to #2 via #1 Call("MOVE_DISKS") Num_Pop(1,4) } Return Module TowersOfHanoi Sub MoveTowerDisks(ByVal disks As Integer, ByVal fromTower As Integer, ByVal toTower As Integer, ByVal viaTower As Integer) If disks > 0 Then MoveTowerDisks(disks - 1, fromTower, viaTower, toTower) System.Console.WriteLine("Move disk {0} from {1} to {2}", disks, fromTower, toTower) MoveTowerDisks(disks - 1, viaTower, toTower, fromTower) End If End Sub Sub Main() MoveTowerDisks(4, 1, 2, 3) End Sub End Module code Text=12; proc MoveTower(Discs, From, To, Using); int Discs, From, To, Using; [if Discs > 0 then [MoveTower(Discs-1, From, Using, To); Text(0, "Move from "); Text(0, From); Text(0, " peg to "); Text(0, To); Text(0, " peg.^M^J"); MoveTower(Discs-1, Using, To, From); ]; ]; MoveTower(3, "left", "right", "center") left middle right Move disk from to declare function local:hanoi($disk as xs:integer, $from as xs:integer, $to as xs:integer, $via as xs:integer) as element()* { if($disk > 0) then ( local:hanoi($disk - 1, $from, $via, $to), {$from}{$to}, local:hanoi($disk - 1, $via, $to, $from) ) else () }; { local:hanoi(4, 1, 2, 3) } fcn move(n, from,to,via){ if (n>0){ move(n-1, from,via,to); println("Move disk from pole %d to pole %d".fmt(from, to)); move(n-1, via,to,from); } } move(3, 1,2,3);